The activity of “uncluttering” – defined as “to remove clutter from: make neat and orderly” – is an activity that can be difficult to start yet when it’s done, it feels amazing! I started on a one month challenge on January 1st in which by January 31st, I will have gotten rid of 496 items […]
Happy Home
Happy Parents, Happy Kids
As I see my children grow into young adults, I am reflecting on their childhood years. Perhaps you are in a place in your life where you are reflecting as well? I have come to realize that the greatest gift we can give to our children is to be … a happy, fulfilled whole person […]
Why Your Morning Routine Matters
“When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening. That’s where the power is!” As we continue to navigate uncertain times during this pandemic, it will be important for our mental health (and physical health) that we maintain healthy living habits within the pandemic constraints. You may […]
Use Habits to Achieve Your Goals
“I can’t achieve my goals no matter how hard I try” I want you to say the following statement to yourself: “My habits won’t let me achieve my goals” That’s right, if you’re struggling with achieving a goal, your current habits may be what is standing in the way between where you are today and […]

About the author
My name is Marie Mota-Lee and I’m passionate about sharing personal development knowledge so that you too can move forward in the ways that you desire in order to live your best life.

Experience The Choose Happy Morning Routine with Affirmations
Use this checklist of 10 actions to help cultivate a positive mindset in the mornings. You will also get a sample affirmation pack to start using as part your daily routine.
How Will You Choose Happy Today?
Choose Happy with Marie is about empowering you to take control of your everyday happiness

The Choose Happy with Marie Show
A podcast for women who are ready to ditch the negative self-talk that is standing in their way. Yes, you and I are worthy of living a happy life, regardless of what has happened in our past.

Choose Happy Affirmation Card Deck
Affirmations have been life-changing on my own journey and I’m excited to share them. They have helped me re-frame the negative self-talk so that I now feel empowered and worthy of living a happy life.

Personalized Affirmation Session
A 30-minute virtual session where we will zero in on one thing you want to move forward with and craft an affirmation statement just for you. Includes a custom ready-to-print PDF download.