Why Your Morning Routine Matters

“When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening.  That’s where the power is!”

As we continue to navigate uncertain times during this pandemic, it will be important for our mental health (and physical health) that we maintain healthy living habits within the pandemic constraints.

You may find yourself living each day like the movie Groundhog Day where the actor Bill Murray relives the same monotonous day over and over.

Hopefully you’ve been able to squeeze in some fun between the activities of taking care of your children (if applicable), working, cooking, cleaning, and sleeping.
Your morning routine sets the tone for your day. 
Many of us turn to our mobile devices first thing after waking up and you may already know this, but I’ll remind you, this is not a good thing.

Unless you’re ‘on call’ whether your job requires it and/or you’re worried about loved ones, it is not recommended to turn it on (unless you’re using it for your meditation/yoga/spiritual practice) for the first hour that you are awake.

Below you will find 3 suggested activities that you can start with as you review and update your morning routine.  They are simple suggestions that by implementing them, will jump start your every day with positive vibes.

1.  Gratitude.

In my previous blog post, 3 Ways to Practice Gratitude, I talked about how adding gratitude helps you recognize the good that is in your life TODAY.
Doing this first thing in the morning gives you positive vibes to start your day because the emotion of gratitude is a positive, active energy.
It really is a great way to start your day especially during the uncertainty we are living because by recognizing the good that is your life  – despite the pandemic – you won’t feel your life is so negative because you are identifying the positives that are in your life TODAY.

2.  Make Your Bed.

Another good habit to get into is making your bed every day.  Making your bed de-clutters your space and lowers your stress. And, it takes less than 5 minutes.
Clutter can contribute to feelings of chaos so having a tidy space creates a calm environment and an increased sense of well-being.
In a 2014 commencement speech at University of Texas at Austin, Navel Admiral William McRaven shared his thoughts on the importance of making your bed:

If you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day.  It will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and another.  By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter.”

3.  Set Daily Goals.

It is up to you when to set your goals.

Some people like to do it the evening before and review them in the morning. Others like to wake up and decide their goals.  Either way, you are creating a blueprint for your day.
Daily goals give you a focus for your day.
You identify what needs to be done AND what you want to be done by the end of  the day.

I use the format written in a previous blog post Setting a Daily Schedule where I identify 1-3 items I need AND want to do for each portion of the day.

I make sure my To Dos also include tasks that advance me in achieving my goals.

You want to end the day knowing that you made progress in advancing your goals – no matter if it was a small task – it moved you forward.

Establishing a morning routine with positive habits launches your day in a positive direction.

Give these ideas a try and let me know the difference it makes in living your every day life.


Choose Happy Today

About the author

My name is Marie Mota-Lee and I’m passionate about sharing personal development knowledge so that you too can move forward in the ways that you desire in order to live your best life.

Choose Happy Free Affirmation Card download

Want to Choose Happy for living your every day life?

Use this checklist of 10 actions to help cultivate a positive mindset in the mornings.  

FREE Morning Routine Checklist

How Will You Choose Happy Today?

Choose Happy with Marie is about empowering you to take control of your everyday happiness

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The Choose Happy with Marie Show

A podcast for women who are ready to ditch the negative self-talk that is standing in their way. Yes, you and I are worthy of living a happy life, regardless of what has happened in our past. 

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Choose Happy Affirmation Card Deck

Affirmations have been life-changing on my own journey and I’m excited to share them. They have helped me re-frame the negative self-talk so that I now feel empowered and worthy of living a happy life.

Woman in slim fit jean and jean jacket propped on stool with right leg in air. red high heels.
Personalized Affirmation Session

A 30-minute virtual session where we will zero in on one thing you want to move forward with and craft an affirmation statement just for you. Includes a custom ready-to-print PDF download.