3 Ways to Bring Positive Energy into Your Life

Hello!  How are you doing with The 15 Minute Self Care Habit from our last post?  If you didn’t get the chance to read it, you can find the link here.

It is so important that our first 15 minutes after we wake up is positive because it impacts our day.

And lately, with everything going on COVID-19-related, we could use more positivity in our every day lives.

If you’re looking for inspiration on how to bring positivity to your every day, here’s an idea to try:
This upcoming week as you get ready for the day, play one of your favorite songs and SING and DANCE to it! ????
Music is powerful especially when it’s music you love because it makes you feel good!  And, that’s an easy “go to” when you want to live in a positive vibration (which attracts more positivity to your day).

Here are two other ways you can bring positivity to your day: 

1.  Use the Choose Happy Affirmation Card Deck on a daily basis

In case you are not aware, I created this card deck during COVID.  Why?

Because I wanted to share with others empowering statements that they/you could use every day to inspire you to continue with healthy habits to get you to the other side of COVID (whenever that will be).

The card deck is my “go to” every day.  If you would like to learn more about them, visit my website here (www.choose-happy.ca)

2.  Read Positive Social Media Posts

If you find yourself mindlessly scrolling through social media posts, how about scrolling through positive social media posts?   Yes, that exists! ????

With your purchase of the Choose Happy Affirmation Card Deck, you will be invited to join our Choose Happy Face Book Community I would love to see you there!

See details here for joining the group.

So, you see, there are ways to remain positive through this COVID-19 phase of our lives.

Don’t get sucked into the negativity of the news.

Yes, be informed but, if you find yourself feeling negative as a result of watching/reading the news, then stop yourself.

Ask a family and/or friend to keep you informed.  This is a habit I adopted last year with the start of COVID-19.  My anxiety was getting in the way of me living a healthy life.

We will get through this, one day at a time, and with compassion and love for each other.

Take good care.



Choose Happy Today

About the author

My name is Marie Mota-Lee and I’m passionate about sharing personal development knowledge so that you too can move forward in the ways that you desire in order to live your best life.

Choose Happy Free Affirmation Card download

Want to Choose Happy for living your every day life?

Use this checklist of 10 actions to help cultivate a positive mindset in the mornings.  

FREE Morning Routine Checklist

How Will You Choose Happy Today?

Choose Happy with Marie is about empowering you to take control of your everyday happiness

Podcast cover art for Choose Happy with Marie Show
The Choose Happy with Marie Show

A podcast for women who are ready to ditch the negative self-talk that is standing in their way. Yes, you and I are worthy of living a happy life, regardless of what has happened in our past. 

Woman holding affirmation card close to camera that says I choose to be happy
Choose Happy Affirmation Card Deck

Affirmations have been life-changing on my own journey and I’m excited to share them. They have helped me re-frame the negative self-talk so that I now feel empowered and worthy of living a happy life.

Woman in slim fit jean and jean jacket propped on stool with right leg in air. red high heels.
Personalized Affirmation Session

A 30-minute virtual session where we will zero in on one thing you want to move forward with and craft an affirmation statement just for you. Includes a custom ready-to-print PDF download.